Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sacrifice on the Altar

Please first read Genesis 22:1-19.

God told Abraham to take his one and only son, Isaac, and sacrifice the boy to Him.  Abraham had wood, a knife, the fire, and Isaac with him.  He took all of the necessary items to perform the sacrifice on the altar.

His young son questioned his father beforehand.  Isaac asked Abraham, "...Where is the lamb for a burnt offering (Genesis 22:7b, NKJV)?"

Abraham answered his son, "...God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering (Genesis 22:8a, NKJV)."

When they got to the physical place, Abraham began all of the preparations for the offering.  He built the altar and put down all of the wood in an orderly fashion.  Then, he got his son and bound him up.  He placed him on top of the wood on the altar.  Lastly, Abraham took his knife and got ready to physically sacrifice his only son, Isaac.

However, an angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven.  Abraham answered, "Here I am (Genesis 22:11b, NKJV)."

Then, He told Abraham not to harm his son.  He now knew that he feared the Lord, since he was going to sacrifice his one young son.

Abraham turned around and saw a ram in the bush.  He sacrificed the animal that the Lord provided in place of his son, Isaac.

The angel of the Lord again called out to Abraham.  He said, "Because you have not withheld your son, I will bless you and multiply your descendants.  Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies.  All the nations will be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice (Genesis 22:16-18 - paraphrase mine)."

Could you do it?  Would you do it?  If God specifically asked you to sacrifice a prized possession, would you be able to do it?  Out of obedience to God, could you do it?

There are many people and/or things that get in the way of our personal relationships with God every single day in this world.  He desires to have all of us to Himself and for Himself for His purpose and plan.  He is a jealous God---a consuming fire (See 2 Corinthians 11:2)! 

Often He blesses us with people and material possessions in our lives.  However, He never wants them to personally take the place of Himself nor our personal relationships with Him.  He never wants anything or anyone else to consume us or possess us.  He desires to be the only one who possesses and consumes us.

What is currently possessing you?  What is now consuming you in life?  Is it material possessions?  Houses?  Cars?  Money?  People?  Work?  A position?  Another relationship?  A calling?  A ministry?  A Life Group?  Another small group? 

Whatever it is, make sure that it does not take precedence over God and a personal relationship with Him.  Otherwise, He may ask you to lay it down.  At any moment, He can request that you sacrifice that other person or thing on the altar.

Know that it is always for your best though.  He wants you---totally, completely, wholeheartedly.  He desires a personal relationship with you over anyone or anything else. 

Depending on the version, the specific phrase, ‘fear the Lord,’ is listed in the Bible over 100 times.  Therefore, it is very important to Him that everyone fear Him in a holy way.  He always wants us to revere and honor Him above all (See Exodus 20:3; Acts 9:31; 2 Corinthians 5:11). 

Copyright 2015 by Dawn Freeman. All rights reserved.  


  1. The Lord Ways and Thoughts are definitely not ours. May we all be obedient to the Lord. Blessings!

    1. Yes! His thoughts and ways are much higher than human thoughts and ways. Thanks, Shira!

  2. Appreciate you sharing this word with me. He desires to be our main focus throughout our journeys. Thanks, C.F.
