Friday, March 5, 2021

Doing Good

When Jesus found out about His cousin, John the Baptist, being beheaded from His disciples; He left from there by boat to a deserted place by Himself. However, the multitudes heard and followed Him on foot from their cities. When Jesus saw a great multitude, He was moved with compassion for them. He healed their sick! 

The disciples told Jesus they needed to send them away to get some food since it was late at their deserted place. Jesus said otherwise though. He told them the multitudes didn't need to go away and told the disciples to give them some food. 

The disciples told Him they only had five loaves and two fish there. Jesus told them to bring the existing food to Him though. He also told the multitudes to sit down in the grass. He took the loaves and fish while looking up to heaven, blessed, broke the loaves. Then, Jesus gave them to the disciples who distributed the loaves to the multitudes. 

They all ate and filled up. Afterward, they took up 12 baskets full of fragments left. They fed more than 5,000 including women and children that day.

When Jesus received bad news about His cousin, He went off by Himself. It didn't last long though. He discovered people who needed Him. Consequently, He was able to meet their needs including feeding the multitudes and healing their sick. He did good!

When something bad happens in our lives and/or in this world, we can also find people in our path who need us to do good for them.

I have had the opportunity to speak the truth in love to people and pray for people on a couple of occasions while at a local hospital in recent months.  We can all take the opportunity to help, support, encourage, minister to other people during this difficult time in the world.  (See Matthew 18:19; Ephesians 4:15)

Additionally, read Matthew 14:1-21.

Copyright 2021 by Dawn Freeman. All rights reserved.

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